You are here: Getting Started - Manual Intro > Keyboard Navigation

Keyboard Navigation

  • Arrow buttons - Left and right move cursor in like direction within a data field; up and down are non-functional.
  • Tab - Moves cursor to next point of focus (button) or data field
  • Backspace - Deletes one character at a time to the left of the cursor.
  • Delete - Deletes one character at a time to the right of the cursor.
  • End - Moves cursor to end of current data field entry
  • Enter-Moves cursor to the next point of focus
  • Home - Moves cursor to beginning of current data field entry
  • Page Up / Page Down - Non-functional.
  • Hot Keys: Underlined letters in Buttons and Field names allow the User to navigate to that control by pressing the ALT key and the underlined letter at the same time.
  • Camera- This button is present on many screen and provides User with ability to take a screen shot of current display.